Collaboration, common goals and collective commitments add value in all areas of work
Alliance contracting is new to health and social care services in the UK and you may have lots of questions. Here are some answers to the ones commonly asked.
We want to add further answers so that you have the information you need when you are planning innovation in commissioning and contracting. If your question is not below, then please get in touch. We will respond direct and can update this page.
Please note that the information provided is of a general nature only and should not be treated as professional advice about individual circumstances. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your particular circumstances.
An alliance may be similar to an informal joint venture or consortia where no new legal entity is created. A joint venture is often, although not always, provider determined. An alliance contract is commissioner led and the commissioner is part of the alliance and shares in the risk.
An alliance contract is a form of outcome based contract. An alliance approach brings additional elements including proactive relationship management and alignment of values and drivers. This maximises the chance of success; contracts by themselves will not change behaviours and culture.
Different groups such as GPs and non-mainstream providers will have different experiences that make them more or less suspicious of a different way of working. Building trust with them is the same – it starts with you. You have to demonstrate at all times your integrity, honesty and reliability. Trust has to be won as well as given.
One of the reasons for using external facilitation is that it is hard to change ingrained behaviours and relationships. People remain suspicious of each other based on previous experiences. ‘Resetting the relationships’ takes time and energy. We help people define principles and then demonstrate them as they get used to interacting in a different way to build (or rebuild) confidence and trust in each other.
Trust is not a ‘nice to have’. It is essential to high performing teams who are responsible for large amounts of public funds and are expected to use them to deliver transformed services. Investment in time to establish new productive relationships is exactly that – an investment for future return.
When developing an alliance the parties need to give consideration to the optimum level for the contract and its geographical cover to maximise the benefits and minimise complexity wherever possible. Each organisation then needs to take a view as to which alliances and contracts merit their involvement.
A network of alliances could potentially be very powerful and provide strong cross fertilisation with rapid spread of innovation.
For instance, reduction in hospital utilisation is a typical strategic objective for a commissioner but, as this leads to loss of income, it is a fundamental misalignment. Success for the whole will not feel like success for the hospital. It is imperative to address this and find a way that the hospital ‘wins’ from the overall success. This might be by pacing change in a way that allows them to take out fixed and other costs that mean their income and expenditure ratio remains stable. It might be through change of usage of estate or staff. It might be through using the gainshare and painshare to weight the gainshare towards the hospital so it has a ‘soft’ landing as the activity is reduced.
The important point is the collective commitment to finding win:win wherever possible and finding solutions that are acceptable to all.
The benefit of keeping dispute resolution within the alliance is that it forces all parties to keep a perspective on the dispute (given that dissolution would be a serious step) and to keep people generating creative solutions and discussing them.
There is a provision in an alliance contract for addressing ‘wilful default’. This separates out poor performance despite trying one’s best from deliberate action. In these circumstances the provider demonstrating wilful default can be excluded.
The impact of an exclusion on the other members in the alliance would need to be assessed. The remaining members of the Alliance Leadership Team would meet urgently to agree the best course of action: termination, continue without the skills or capacity the provider supplied or seek alternative provider member.
The financial incentives are embedded within this performance framework and linked to the outcome metrics for each strategic objective. The agreed pain share/gain share sets out the proportion of reward allocated to each party if a performance threshold is achieved. Thresholds along a spectrum from poor to game breaking (outstanding) mean there is no single ‘target’.
To work through the sequence needed to set the performance and commercial frameworks, we are adapting the Commercial Alignment Workshops used in alliance contract development in other sectors. In a 2 day workshop followed by a one day ‘wash up’ the entire commercial package can be negotiated by the Alliance Leadership Team. This minimises the need for senior level time and reduces a protracted negotiation period.
Our experience is that enquiries about using alliance contracts range from grant funded organisations, local authorities, CCGs and government departments. Contract values range from £100,000 to hundreds of millions.
If the contract is of relatively small value then the commissioner is more likely to want to keep arrangements as simple as possible and may not want to invest too much time in changing governance and building new relationships and trust.
Once in place, the alliance can accommodate dual roles of the commissioners. Alliance contracts in other sectors often include ‘in house teams’ from the commissioners in the same way that GPs and social care can be viewed as ‘in house teams’. The concept of the dual roles of owner (commissioner) as client as well as owner (commissioner) as alliance participant is well established. Governance arrangements and the contracts describe this clearly.
We can help you to clarify what you want to achieve and to consider the best ways of achieving that through an option appraisal. If an alliance contract is decided to be the best route then we can help you to establish that as quickly as possible whilst making sure due process is followed.
In the discussion, the following important points were emphasised relating to procurement and competition regulations and national policy [Please note, this represents LH Alliances’ summary of the meeting only and is NOT an official Monitor position]:
LH Alliances will continue to keep Monitor informed of all developments we are involved with. We always advise clients to be robust in meeting all statutory and regulatory requirements. Please see Monitor’s website for latest publications.
Our strength in health and social care is partnership and cross organisational dialogues but these are often separate from contracting and commercial arrangements. Alliance contracting brings these together.
However, one of the parties to the alliance may be a group of similar providers. This is common with GPs or with smaller, local third sector organisations. In these situations we say that those groups must be represented by a ‘single voice’ at the Alliance Leadership and Management Teams and it is for them to decide how to achieve this. Where the ‘single voice’ is not a legal entity (eg. not a partnership, formal joint venture, special purpose vehicle for a consortium, etc) then there will be multiple signatories to the alliance contract even though there is a collective representation.
In addition, the commissioners’ values or principles are important elements. Public sector commissioners have a duty to promote social value through the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 so this will need to be considered in choosing providers who are aligned.
If a procurement exercise is to be undertaken, it must include criteria and processes that test the providers’ alignment with those objectives, outcomes and values. What are the providers’ business drivers? Do they align with your values and objectives? Can you do business with this organisation?
If the alliance is being put together with existing providers as the decision has been made that they are the most capable of achieving your objectives, then you still need to check alignment. As with building trust, be honest about alignment and, even more so, the misalignments.
There is interesting research into alignment in health alliances which highlights key features of alliances which have managed to align effectively: leadership credibility and stability; trust; and proactive approaches to communicating as vital for success.
If previous experience has highlighted weaknesses in the system (failing to resolve overspends satisfactorily) then this provides an ideal opportunity to consider what would a satisfactory way of resolving overspends look like to all partners, to describe this in as much detail as possible and construct a process to follow if and when this problem arises again.
The no blame culture is important. If any of the performance against the outcomes is off track (including the cost one) the first question should be ‘how do we fix this?’ Second question is ‘what can we learn from this?’ Time spent on identification of blame, raising, recording and handling disputes is wasted time.
Of course, there is a provision in an alliance contract for addressing ‘wilful default’. This separates out poor performance despite trying one’s best from deliberate action. In these circumstances the provider demonstrating wilful default can be excluded.
An overall principle is to keep it simple. A small number of core outcomes and measures is far better than many measures that are peripheral to the main aims and purpose of the services.
There should be simplicity in the measures and thresholds, avoiding the arguments over 94.49% versus 94.51%. We have seen the outcomes used to trigger large gainshare payments in multimillion dollar contracts in other sectors and they are surprisingly unsophisticated. It is about everyone aligned to the spirit of the outcomes and why they have been chosen.
A second principle is to have a blend of outcomes and measures and ensure their interdependency so that there is no incentive to sacrifice performance in one to achieve better performance in another.
A technique that we recommend is to use ‘I’ statements. For instance the difference between ‘I was offered choice about …’ and ‘People are offered choice about ….’ is in how you would measure successful achievement.
A shorter term contract presents higher risk (of losing the contract in the shorter term) to providers and so forces them to load up the costs of any investment they have to make in buildings and equipment necessary to deliver the services over the shorter period. If one of your objectives is to secure better value for money and to see fixed costs being taken out of your local health and social care economy, then a longer term contract provides the security necessary to enable providers to do that by investing in new technology and changing their staff establishment.
For example, if acute trust reconfiguration is one of the strategic objectives then a longer term (five or seven years) is advisable to provide the acute trust with the timescale necessary to enact the necessary changes of gradually closing buildings and redeploying staff whilst new buildings and skill development takes place in community settings.
Alliance contracts tend to be longer term and more strategic because it is recognised that achieving strategic change across organisations requires long term partnership working and alliance contracts are designed to support exactly that.
An alliance that is developed to deliver strategic objectives which have been assessed by commissioners as necessary for their local communities is more likely to withstand national policy and political changes as well as reduced funding.
Alliance contracts have greater flexibility and evidence shows innovation and quality are improved more quickly through this contractual framework, personalisation should benefit from these features.
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