Developing an alliance

From our experience of alliance development we have devised four steps which relate to most types of alliances. It is a guide to help ensure you have addressed important areas in the right sequence.



The first step relates to getting the basics right to drive an alliance way of working.

a) Alliance strategy

Confirm that alliancing is right for the context then make sure leaders and key players are ready for alliance leadership roles and have secured the skills and capacity to develop the alliance.

b) Alliance outline – the ‘front end’

There must be clarity about the scope and purpose of the alliance as well as the objectives or outcomes to be achieved. Governance and decision making processes will also need to be described.



Success in alliances is dependent on alliance members having aligned business and personal drivers and a commitment to collaboration, openness and innovation

a) Alliance members

Selection of members will be based on their commitment to collaboration as well as their competences and experience.

b) Alliance agreement

The terms must be concluded to the satisfaction of all members.



The early formation is critical to start embedding the new behaviours and ways of working

a) Alliance launch

Commit to shared values and behaviours and get the right people into key roles

b) Leadership and governance

Set up the Alliance Leadership Team and define roles and responsibilities

c) Management and planning

Set up and empower the Alliance Management Team to develop the delivery model, implementation plan and reporting



The Alliance will make a real positive impact and will continuously improve and evolve

a) Delivery commencement

This will include launch events, staff information sessions and other communications and engagement

b) Ongoing delivery

The Alliance will have a relentless focus on achievement of outcomes and constantly seek improvements and efficiencies.

c) Maintain and sustain

Learning and development activities for individuals, teams and organisations will maximise success. Health checks and efficacy reviews of the alliance provide an opportunity to refresh and adapt over time.

Remember: the launch is the beginning not the end

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