Lambeth CCG and Council have let an alliance contract for Integrated Personalised Support for those with severe and enduring mental health needs. They recast separate contracts into one, using a single pooled budget between commissioners. Having first worked with Lambeth in 2012, LH Alliances were delighted to be invited back to be their delivery partner for this exciting idevelopment.
An alliancing approach fits with the ethos and values of the Lambeth Living Well (LLW) Collaborative. Set up in 2010, the LLW Collaborative brings together people using services, providers and commissioners to create ideas and plans for improving mental health services and support in Lambeth. New local initiatives have been implemented but to move to the next level of transformation, Lambeth CCG and Council felt that a formal change to contracting and financial arrangements was needed.
The Integrated Personalised Support Alliance brings together four providers: a mental health trust, adult social care and two charitable organisations. They are now working together to provide a seamless service for those with severe and enduring mental illness. The common aim is to maximize people’s independence, participation and enable them to recover and stay well. The new service went live in April 2015.
The alliance has been very successful for achieving its objectives of improving people’s lives, reducing the need for residential placements and meeting the financial challenges.
For a summary of its first year (2015/16) see here
For a more recent update (published May 2018) see here
LH Alliances provided advice and facilitation services to Lambeth Commissioners throughout the end to end process of setting up the new alliance. We helped shape the contracting and procurement strategy, defined the outcomes, facilitated early workshops and meetings of the new alliance and, together with our legal partners Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co, developed the contract.
“We could not have done this without Linda. From the beginning she advised us on the collaboration and alliance, always ready to help in person or by phone and in drafting and reviewing materials. It was great to have her attend project meetings to steer and coach us on changing the way we commission and contract. Her facilitation at key alliance workshops and meetings was vital in bringing us all together. Linda blends the ability to support and enable relationship building while also challenging us when appropriate.
Linda was trusted by everyone which meant she could be an independent negotiator for the final detail of the agreement. Managing everyone’s requests in a fair and transparent way for a multiparty contract is no mean feat.”
Denis O’Rourke, Assistant Director Integrated Commissioning, Lambeth CCG
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