Advice and facilitation

LH Alliances brings a unique and powerful combination of expert knowledge of public services in the UK as well as extensive experience of alliancing and alliance contracting in other sectors and countries

LH Alliances is the only UK based consultancy that specialises in alliancing and alliance contracting. From our beginnings in the NHS we now work in other public and private sectors. Our team has extensive experience in creating and coaching alliances. We will partner with you to create collaborative and alliance solutions that fit your context and priorities.

LH Alliances will ensure you set up your alliance for success. We provide expert advice and facilitation for all stages of alliance development.

LH Alliances was established by Dr Linda Hutchinson, a paediatrician with a successful track record in innovation and delivery and wide experience in health, education and regulation. She teamed up with her brother, Andrew Hutchinson, who developed alliance contracting in the oil construction industry in the mid 1990s where he was an oil rig designer.

Helping to develop an alliance approach that works for you

We have worked with many organisations at different stages of alliance development. Whether it is for a short period or as a delivery partner alongside you for end-to-end support as you design, form and launch your alliance, we can provide a range of support and facilitation including:

  • Leadership support
  • Business case and project planning
  • Contract and procurement options appraisals
  • Co-production activities
  • Workshops and events for collaboration

  • Whole system performance frameworks
  • Commercial frameworks
  • Procurement design
  • Launch planning and ongoing support

Why choose LH Alliances?

  • LH Alliances is a small consultancy. You will get personal attention from Linda and the team throughout the assignment. Our aim is to leave you strong and successful. We measure our success by the outcomes you achieve for people using your services.
  • LH Alliances is a specialist company. You will get expert facilitation of collaborative or partnership working as well as specific techniques for developing an alliance contract. We can arrange legal, financial and other skills as required.
  • LH Alliances understands your world. We have held senior roles ourselves so know the daily challenges you face. We will do all we can to help and support you in your leadership role.
  • LH Alliances will enable you to move from talking about solutions to implementing them. Making change happen can be tough and you need resilience and patience mixed with drive and determination. As your partner we are there to help you be brave.
  • LH Alliances uses proven methodologies adapted for your context. We pride ourselves on flexibility, drawing on well tested strategies, workshop designs and frameworks that will help you realise your ambition.

Dr Linda Hutchinson

A paediatrician by background, Linda has held senior roles in the NHS, education and regulation. Her wide experience and skills include:

  • Strategy and delivery for innovation
  • Change and programme leadership
  • Facilitation of interprofessional and interorganisational collaborations
  • Outcome development
  • Financial negotiation

Dr Linda Hutchinson


Alchimie Pty Australia

Alchimie Pty Ltd is a highly successful management consultancy acknowledged as a leader in relational contracting based in Melbourne, Australia. Alchimie has served many clients in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region over the past fifteen years.

Alchimie is headed by Andrew Hutchinson, Linda’s brother and his co-director, Graham Tuohey. Linda has teamed up with them due to their deep understanding and first hand experience of alliance contracting in many different settings. The family connection has allowed many a conversation over recent years about application of alliancing to health and social care. Alchimie’s skills and expertise is invaluable as we apply mature commissioning and contracting in the UK public sector.

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